Miter Saw Storage Ideas: 6 Easy ways to store your miter saw

Miter saw storage is an important part of owning a miter saw. Carpenters and woodworkers typically spend a pretty penny on their power tools. Therefore, safe and proper storage of your power tools is of utmost importance. If you fail to adhere to this, there is a high possibility of them getting damaged or being prone to rust, which may be quite costly to replace or repair.

As a novice in the woodworking industry, it may be challenging to decide where to store your miter saw properly. Luckily, there are various safe and secure ways in which you can store your power tools.

To keep your miter saw in perfect working condition and safe, you need to know how and where you should store your power tool. Most carpenters and DIY masters will store their miter saws in the basement of their home, garage, and workshops.

There is a wide range of ideas on how you may store your various home tools. Apart from the conventional storage facilities used to keep miter saws, there are expensive storage cabinets that high-end woodworking experts may use. However, a handy way to store your own power tools is to hang pegboards on the walls of your workshop, basement, or garage.

Hanging your power tools will help keep your working station neat and organized. For smaller miter saws, you could use a drawer storage system to safeguard them from dust.

If possible, it is recommended that you store your power tools in their original cases or the boxes in which they were purchased. If you opt to store your miter saws on tool benches, it is recommended that you put silica gel packs to absorb excess moisture and prevent your miter saw from rusting.

This piece will enlighten you on the appropriate miter saw storage.

Let’s get to it.

Table of Contents

Miter Saw Storage Cover, Box, Shelf, Case, Cabinet

Safe storage of your miter saw is essential to protect it from theft, damage, or moisture. There are various ways in which you could safeguard your power tool from rust. Here are some of the ways that you could store it:

  • Miter Store Storage Cover

A miter saw cover will protect your power tool from elements that could expose it to rust, especially if you conduct your woodwork projects outdoors. The cover is made of a robust, canvas,  material that is also waterproof. The cover will help to safeguard your miter saw from dust and water. It is very convenient and affordable, and you can even make a customized one at home.

Having a cover for your miter saw will make a world of difference. When not being used you miter saw won’t be exposed to the dust or overspray from other projects. It’s an easy and affordable way to keep your miter saw in tip top shape. 

One important factor you need to consider with a miter saw cover is moisture. If for some reason your shop is very humid or if you have a liquid spill and not notice it spill around the miter saw you could be in for some trouble. 

The cover will protect the miter saw from dust and debris, but will trap moisture. Therefore, if moisture is a concern, you might want to consider an alternative storage method below.

  • Miter Saw Storage Box

A wooden storage box is also suitable for the safe storage of your miter in addition to protecting it from moisture and other destructive elements. Some other storage boxes are specially designed with a handle; thus, you may easily carry your miter saw from one place to another as you undertake your various woodwork projects.

I like this storage method a lot! Although it’s going to take a bit more effort to build a good case, even a basic case will be a big improvement. A rigid case means that anything that falls on your miter saw or anything flying around your shop won’t result in damage to the miter saw, maybe just a dent in the box case. 

Just building a box without a bottom that can sit on top of the miter saw is all you need. Add in a bottom piece, and couple latches on the bottom and a handle on top and you got yourself a sturdy travel case for your miter saw!

All you really need is some scrap Plywood or MDF to get started on a basic storage box.

MDF miter saw storage box
  • Miter Saw Storage Shelf

Specially designed shelves on the walls of your workshop will not only keep your work station organized due to easy retrieval of tools when needed but will also keep your power tools safe. Keeping your tools above the ground will minimize the exposure to rust-causing elements. Some woodworkers have made some really impressive shelf attachments for their miter saws

If you don’t need to have your miter saw in a ready to use state, a designated shelf for it isn’t a bad idea. Easily accessible, yet out of the way when not needed.

I used to just leave my secondary, large, seldom used miter saw on a shelf in the shop. It wasn’t the worst spot for it, but I knew it could be improved.

Miter saw storage shelf
  • Miter Saw Storage Case

To keep your miter saw in perfect shape and to increase its lifespan, you could store it in a case. There is a wide range of cases made by different brands in the market. The cases are specially designed to protect your power tool from any damage and also for easy carrying of your miter saw.

The advantage to a hardshell case made for your miter saw is that it will likely be more compact and lightweight over a box case you can make yourself. 

The disadvantage of a hardshell case is that they’re very expensive relative to the box case you can make yourself. Unless you get a great deal on a hardshell case, or it comes as a bundle with the miter saw I’d opt for building one myself. A DIY box case can cost you next to nothing if you have enough scrap wood laying around. A hardshell case for a miter saw will likely cost you at least $100. The DIY method is enough for me!

  • Miter Saw Storage Cabinet

Storage in a cabinet is safer; this is because you can lock the cabinet. The cabinets will also safeguard your power tool from dust and dirt in the workshop. You can easily design your cabinets using wood in your workstation. When building cabinets for your miter saw, it is recommended that you place the anti-rust liners for extra protection. Some brands nowadays sell cabinets that can charge your tools.

A miter saw cabinet is the ultimate miter saw storage method. Although you will likely have to do some custom work to get you miter saw to fit just right. Some really nice miter saw cabinets even convert into a great miter saw station during work, and convert back into a solid storage cabinet once the project is completed.

Where Should I Store my Miter Saw?

The decision on where to store your power tool depends on the size, design, and the type of your miter saw. If your workshop has limited space, you could opt to hang your power tools to save on space and make it organized. Some miter saw is gigantic and is mounted to a fixed table stand. In this case, you should ensure that you mount it in a secure place free from moisture and dust. You could also use a waterproof cover to safeguard it when not in use.

To protect your workshop from pilferage and theft, it is recommended that you place it in a secure neighborhood and always lock it when not in use. Power tools are expensive; thus, you should safeguard from getting lost and also from breakage.

When building your workshop or garage, you should ensure that you can control the humidity and temperature.  Although some power tools may not be affected by the moisture, most of them can be affected by freezing temperatures as they make the plastic and metallic parts of the miter saw to be weak or brittle. This may cause your miter saw to be damaged.

How do you hang a Miter Saw on a Wall?

One of the ideal ways of storing your miter saw is hanging it on the wall of your workshop. You could do this by building a structure that will enable you to firmly keep it in position and strong enough to protect it from falling and breaking. You could fix a rectangular piece of plywood or MDF on the wall, then cut two strips. You are then required to make one of the strips a French cleat then use a screw or glue to reinforce the rectangle’s bottom. The structure’s base should be designed for good clamping where you could easily hang your miter saw.

One positive of hanging your miter saw is that you can put it up high where it’s less likely to get damaged when you swing around with a 12 foot 2×4 on your shoulder. On the downside you won’t get much protection from dust or overspray just hanging out on the wall. I’ve used this method and it is one of my favorites if you have a fairly clean and dust free shop. it’s just a super simple and easy storage method.

Proper and safe storage of your miter saw will go a long way in protecting it from damage and increasing its lifespan. For the proper and optimal functioning of your miter saw, you should safeguard it from breakage, dust, and moisture.

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