Craftsman Table Saw Model 113: The Godfather of table saws

     There’s a reason you’re searching for information about this saw! It’s because the Craftsman table saw model 113 stands the test of time. It’s one of the best built table saws ever made. These table saws are so good, they outlasted Sears haha. Jokes aside the craftsman 113 table is an awesome vintage tool that should you have a chance to pick one up for a reasonable price, you ought to!

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Craftsman table saw model 113 price

While you won’t be finding these saws brand new in stores any longer, they are still sought after and prices often reflect this.

You’re only going to find this table saw second hand on local buy and sell platforms like Craig’s List or at garage sales. The funny thing is, people are still able to find them relatively often, considering how old they are. 

Searching around online I’ve found that some people have been able to snatch one up for as low as $60! However, the going price for these tend to be $100-$200 dollars. That might seem like a lot for an old saw, but these bad boys were made back when quality still meant something.

Review of the Craftsman 113 table saw

The craftsman 113 table saw is one of the most durable table saw ever made, period. It was popular back in the day, and well, we’re talking about it today so that should speak volume. If you can get your hand on one of these tables saws, you won’t regret it.

Don’t just take my word for it, there’s a lot of discussion on this model of table saw. Not only is there a lot of discussion, but it’s positive and I haven’t found anyone complaining or badmouthing their Craftsman 113.

It was a good saw, it is a good saw, and it will be a good saw in the future. Just because it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of new tables saws doesn’t mean it can’t compete. It does!

Craftsman table saw model 113 parts

Time takes its toll on the best of us, tables saws are no exception. While the Craftsman 113 is a beast, many users have reported that the only thing they really needed to replace over the years.

The craftsman 113 table saw is one of the most durable table saw ever made, period. It was popular back in the day, and well, we’re talking about it today so that should speak volume. If you can get your hand on one of these tables saws, you won’t regret it.

Don’t just take my word for it, there’s a lot of discussion on this model of table saw. Not only is there a lot of discussion, but it’s positive and I haven’t found anyone complaining or badmouthing their Craftsman 113.

It was a good saw, it is a good saw, and it will be a good saw in the future. Just because it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of new tables saws doesn’t mean it can’t compete. It does! Years of ownership were two things, pulleys and belts. 

It’s pretty incredible that a table saw is able to last so long without needing more. You can even find parts for this table saw quite easily, as they still make quality replica parts. Yes, even the parts manufacturers know it’s a great table saw!

Craftsman 113 upgrades

There’s not much need for upgrades on the craftsman 113 table saw, however, one item that has been mentioned a lot is upgrading the fence. 

The original fence is solid, but if you want to upgrade it with something more customizable feel free, though this is a more difficult part to find online. Honestly, you might have better luck making your own custom fence as this is a tall order!

Not impossible but a fence upgrade for the Craftsman 113 isn’t the easiest thing to find. I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor.

Riving knife and splitter for the Craftsman 113

I’ll be honest here, I kind of like the fact that this saw doesn’t have one of the most common safety features of modern table saws. Not because I want an unsafe saw, but because it displays how old this table saw is! It’s so old that riving knives and splitters weren’t standard features. How nuts is that?!

Of course installing aftermarket safety features isn’t difficult and I certainly recommend you do this. You’re not going to find an original riving knife, but there are plenty of great third party splitters that you can install for little cash and even less effort.

Seriously, just install a splitter, it’s cheap and a matter of safety, and with enough use you’re going to end up ruining a piece of material without it. Further, ruining the material would be the least of your concerns, ensuring you have all your fingers, leaving the shop would be mine.

Craftsman 10 inch table saw model 113 manual

Old school cool can easily be found online as there are copies of the user manual across the internet. The Craftsman 10-inch table owner’s manual is a look at simpler times in woodworking.

It’s a pretty cool, vintage manual that answers any question you might have about your saw and offers insight should you need to replace parts.

Craftsman table saw FAQ

Are old Craftsman table saws any good?

Yes, the Craftsman table saws by Sears are still around today, known for their quality and longevity. Replacement parts are still relatively widely available and maintenance is simple. The fact they outlived Sear’s should tell you something!

How much is an old Craftsman table saw worth?

A Craftsman model 113 table saw in solid working condition can go for approximately $100-$200 depending on the state it is in. Even a non-functioning saw can go for $50-$80, as many enthusiasts want vintage parts.

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